Thursday, April 3, 2008


My feeds have increased to 9 cc's per hour. I am getting more breast milk than TPN. I have not spit up in over a day and I am continuing to poop. I toot pretty loud too. Things are progressing very well.

My Great Strides Team is doing an amazing job. Everyone's generosity towards finding a cure is overwhelming. Keep up the good work.

Goodnight, Ben


Anonymous said...

Good Morning Beautiful Benjamin,

Grandma missed seeing you yesterday and thought about you all day. Papa Phil and I will be up to see you tonight. We are thrilled with your progress. You have the best mom and dad to take care of you. God Bless you baby, Lots of love, Grandma Carol and Papa Phil

Anonymous said...

Baby Ben,
Bama Beth will be in town to see you tomorrow. I have missed you so much. Hope you are keeping Uncle Adam in line. Good job on your progress. I knew you could do it. You just had to heal. Can't wait to see you little guy. Give Mommy and Daddy a kiss and hug for me.
Hi from Papa John.
Love you more!

Anonymous said...


You're sounding less like your mom and more like your dad every day ;-) Great job on staying focused!

I love you Baby P! (and I miss your mom like crazy)

xoxo, Aunt Carin

Cameron Hain said...

Hi Ben,

Great news that you are getting better! You are a fighter just as I am...we will beat this! Soon CF won't stand for Cystic Fibrosis, but CURE FOUND!!

Take care and keep getting stronger and bigger everyday!

Your friend, Cameron

Anonymous said...

Yeah Ben!!!!

I can't wait to come and visit you again. I felt a toot that day too when I was holding you!! I'm so happy that you are getting stronger and stronger. I love you so much!!


Anonymous said...

Very good to hear you are making continual progress. Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...


Nice work little buddy, I knew you could do it! Stay strong and keep fighting hard!


Anonymous said...

Hi Sweet Heart,

Im just reading all of the notes people have sent to you....... I love all the new pictures!! I cant beleave how much money you have raised for the CF....We love you so much and would do anything for you!

Sara & Jane

Anonymous said...

Hi Sweet Pea,
We haven't met yet but we read your messages amd keep track of your great progress thanks to our friens who have a computer.
Many grandparents here ask about you.
We are looking forward to meeting and holding you.
Keep growing and we will see you soon. We are very proud of you and your mom and dad.
Love Great Grandpa Fred and
Great Grandma Carla