Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treat Elmo!

I had a fabulous time on Halloween. I really enjoyed being dressed up as Elmo. I started out my night at my Grandma Carol and Papa Phil's. I thought it was really cool when Grandma gave me a bag of chips. I went out with Mom on our street. I liked most of the trick-or-treating, but I got scared at a few kids in masks. I cried and was not very happy about those frightening kids. I liked my Pez candy the best.

Goodnight and you monsters stay out of sight! And if someone can tell my Mom how to rotate the videos on the blog that would be cool.


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Boy in a Pink Bow

Well a lot has happened in the past month. I stayed at my Aunt Nicole and Uncle Todd's house the weekend of September 25th. This was the first time Mom and Dad left me for more than a few hours. Mom typed up a 12 page care plan that listed every medication I am on and how to do each and every treatment. They had Michelle and Jake's wedding up at Michigan State University. I had a blast with my cousins all weekend. Cousin Maddie put a pink bow in my hair and Uncle Todd sent the picture to Mom and Dad. I definitely looked liked I was having a wonderful time. This was a long overdue and much needed break for all of us. Mom always asks me if I get tired of looking at her old lady face everyday.

Since everything went well for my two nights at Aunt Nicole and Uncle Todd's, Mom and Dad left me the next weekend with Grandma Carol and Papa Phil for one night. They went to the MSU vs. U of M tailgate. This was the first tailgate they have been to together since I was born.

I now love to tell my parents "No" all the time. I am a dare devil and flip over my chair and climb on it and then it flips down on the floor. I laugh when Mom tells me not to do it. I come very close to jamming my face into the floor when I flip down. I think it is fun!

I have been getting a lot of teeth in now. It took a while for me to get most of my teeth, but they are all coming in at once. While I was brushing my teeth last night there was blood all over my toothbrush. Ouch!

I love to color. I sit with Mom and color in my coloring book. I have drawn on the office closet and on the wall a bit too. I am a real stinker.

High Five, Ben