Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treat Elmo!

I had a fabulous time on Halloween. I really enjoyed being dressed up as Elmo. I started out my night at my Grandma Carol and Papa Phil's. I thought it was really cool when Grandma gave me a bag of chips. I went out with Mom on our street. I liked most of the trick-or-treating, but I got scared at a few kids in masks. I cried and was not very happy about those frightening kids. I liked my Pez candy the best.

Goodnight and you monsters stay out of sight! And if someone can tell my Mom how to rotate the videos on the blog that would be cool.



Anonymous said...

Well Ben, I must say that you are the cutest Elmo I ever did see. I'm glad you enjoyed Halloween this year, have fun eating your candy!

Aunt Tera

Anonymous said...

It sure sounds like little Elmo had a great Halloween this year! I loved the video, even though I don't have a clue how to help you flip it. Enjoy your chips and Pez.
Love, Aunt Kathy

Anonymous said...

Hi Ben,
You sure are the cutiest little Elmo ever. So glad you enjoyed Halloween. Bet our little Elmo gets every Christmas, Santa, and snowman Pez treat in his stocking this year. God Bless you and love you bunches, Grandma Carol & Papa Phil XOXOXOXOXOX