Wednesday, September 16, 2009

My Results

I cultured pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) in my last throat culture. I had two clean ones and this third one would have given me a break from TOBI, but I started back on TOBI again today. I will continue to do the TOBI 28 days on and 28 days off until I get three clean cultures in a row. I get throat cultures every three months. So that is about another 9 months or so from now. Since it is not an exact science I might have never really gotten rid of the PA since I can not produce sputum for the doctors yet. They just make me gag when they swab my throat.

My kidney ultrasound came back normal so that was good. Nephrology will continue to follow about every 6 months just to make sure things stay normal.

I am getting so big Mom is starting to sell my little baby things. It makes her sad, but we have to make room for all my big boy stuff. We are trying to simplify life around here by purging the things.

I also saw my pediatrician last week and got the rest of my vaccines. Dr. Manistow said I am all set until I go to school. Mom said she doesn't even want to think about that yet. Way too soon for those thoughts.

Love, Big Ben

Friday, September 4, 2009

18 Months

I will be 18 months old on September 10th! I can't believe all I have endured in this short amount of time. I am doing very well and had another great check-up with Dr. Nasr on September 3rd. I weighed in at 22lbs 5oz and was 31 3/4 inches tall. This put my weight in the 9th percentile and my height about the 20-25th percentile. They did a throat culture and if this one is negative for bacteria I will not have to do TOBI. I had a kidney ultrasound too. I haven't received the results yet, but I think they will be good. The ultrasound tech gave me a little DVD player with a Dragon Tales DVD to watch. I laid on my belly and pushed all the buttons while she examined my kidneys. I was such a good boy that Mom bought me a little Elmo at the hospital gift shop. I am a real big Elmo fan. I think I am going to be Elmo for Halloween.

I am developing pretty fast. I am running around and climbing on the furniture. I still love to throw balls and I can kick them well too. I love to read books or should I say turn the pages :0 I love to go to the grocery store and point to all the foods I know and love to eat. I saw Pop Tarts and raisins while at Target today. I made Mom open me a little box of raisins. I have this loud screeching noise I do that sometimes allows me to get my way. I am a real pickle.

I also went up north to Leland to stay at Honor's aunts cottage on Little Traverse Lake. It was just for a few days, but I had fun. I liked walking on the docks and looking at all the yachts. I made motor boat noises as we walked. It was a fun place to discover.

I am getting ready for football season. Go green! Go white!

Love, Ben