Friday, April 18, 2008


Today my feedings were increased to 55 cc's for one hour and then two hours off. I am getting fed 8 times a day for a total of 440 cc's or 14.6 ounces. I even got to breastfeed at 5:30pm today in combination with breast milk from a bottle. I did not get fed through my gavage tube at this feeding at all. I should be able to continue doing this for one feeding a day and eventually more if I am tolerating it well. Mom and I also did more Kangaroo Care today. It helps soothe my upset tummy. Mom asked the doctors about walking me today too. They said she could bring in my stroller and walk me down the hall. After my 5:30pm feeding Mom and Dad both held me without being connected to my monitor and they walked me around my pod. I had a great day!

Smiles, Ben


Kari Stecker said...

It's great to hear how well you are doing, Ben. We would love to come see you again very soon. Brian and Kari

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Beautiful Benjamin,

We are so thrilled to hear of all your progress, and that you got to brestfeed and kangroo with mommy. When I picture you kangrooing with her, I smile and cry at the same time; it's such a wonderful sight to see you and mommy snuggling. Bet your mommy and daddy were all smiles showing you off on your walk. Love you bunches & God Bless you sweetheart, Papa Phil, Grandma Carol, & Great Gramdma P

Anonymous said...

Oh Ben, I'm so happy!! To hear that you got to breast feed, be "free" without your tubes for a bit, and are going to go for walks makes me want to shout WOOHOO! I bet it brings a smile to mom and dad's faces, which makes me smile. Love you and miss you and hope to see you again real soon.

Love, hugs & kisses, xoxo, Aunt Carin

Anonymous said...

Hey Handsome!

We have been so happy about your progess! The part about the no tubes and getting held without them is great!

Congrats on the CF walk donations!

This time sending hugs and warm thoughts to all in your family.

Love The Rapsons

Anonymous said...

What great news! All those little steps forward will have you out the door in no time! Bet Mom and Dad loved the day! Keep up the great work! Judy, Carl & Sean

blogger-ryan said...

Hi Ben,
I am a friend of your daddy's from a long time ago....back when he was a UofM fan...yes, that was a LONG time ago. I heard through the grapevine about your struggles and wanted to wish you the best of luck. From what I have read, it sounds like your mommy and daddy are taking great care of you.

Maybe someday I will get to meet you, but until then, I'll follow your progress here. Thanks for taking the time to write.

Thoughts and prayers,
Ryan Jones

Anonymous said...

So great to here the good news. I bet you Mommy and Daddy are also excited. ;You are in our thoughts and prayers on a daily basis. May be we can come down to see you again this week. Love, hugs & kisses to you. Great grandpa Gordie & Great Grandma Kay

Anonymous said...

Great job Ben!!!! Keep up the good work!
Hope to see you soon!
Chris, Jen, Logan and Delaney