Friday, May 2, 2008


After a few bouts of projectile vomitting and the pediatrician checking my stool for blood I was rushed to the ER on Tuesday. I had x-rays done and air was found in my bowel walls. This required me to have emergency surgery. The air being present signalled to the doctors that I probably had a perforation. They could not find one. It could have been so small or already healed over. He smoothed out some intestinal kinks and cut open a part to sew it in order to make that portion of my bowel wider. I made it out of surgery. I was taken off the ventilator yesterday. I am still on Fentanyl for pain. Infection was present in my intestines, so I am on three antibiotics for about two weeks. There is major concern for sepsis in the blood, but so far my cultures have come back negative. Mom finally got to hold me last night. It helped to calm me a bit. I have not been sleeping much. I am very mad I can not eat. I am back on TPN for nutrition, but I want some real food. I have more tubes connected to me now than I ever did. I have the suction tube back in my mouth to keep all fluids from entering my intestines. This allows them to rest and heal. Mom and Dad are very sad to see me go through this again. The doctors said these types of things can just happen because the amount of intestine I have remaining is floppy.



Anonymous said...

Baby Ben,
You are all that Bamma Beth can think about. You are a fighter and you will pull through. I will see you this week-end. I can't wait. I love you so much. Give mommy and daddy a hug for me. See you soon.
Papa John says Hi and he loves you.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Beautiful Benjamin,
We are so sad for you and your mommy and daddy that have to go through this all over again. We pray and pray that you will heal and be home again soon. We love you so much. God Bless you Ben, Grandma Carol & Papa Phil XOXOXO

Anonymous said...

Hey Peanut Butter! You will get through this without a problem I am confident about that. I love you so much and can't wait to come see you soon! Love Auntie Annie

Anonymous said...

Hey Handsome!

Normie and I just returned from out of town and saw your Bamma's email. What a bummer, little guy. We are praying for a speedy recovery and sending big hugs to your Mom and Dad. You, and your mom and dad's strength inspire us daily.
Love The Rapsons

Anonymous said...


I'm sorry you have to go thru more of this hospital stuff. My heart sank yesterday when I came to check out how you were doing at home and I read about you having surgery again. But I know you are a fighter and you'll be back home soon! Keep your spirits up and hopefully you'll be eating your apple sauce again along with your bottle in the next couple of days. :o)

Thinking about you and praying for you!

Jill L.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ben,

Aunt Jane & Uncle Scott just wanted you to know we are thinking of you and praying for a speedy recovery. Sara prays for you everynight at bed time. We love you and your mommy and daddy.
Aunt Jane and Uncle Scott.......

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about your set back. We keep praying. Stay strong.
Norino, Leanne, Marissa and Lexi

Anonymous said...

Hi Ben,
Uncle Norman here I feel so sad your back in the hospital. We all keep praying for you here in Atlanta. You stay strong and give your Mom and Dad a big hug for me.
Love you very much,
Uncle Norman
Jerry sends his love to all

Cameron Hain said...


We are so sorry to hear about this set back! Hopefully you will have a speedy recovery and will be back home soon! My sister and I will continue to pray for you! Let your parents know my mom and dad are thinking of them and if they need anything don't hesitate to call.
Your friend, Cameron

Anonymous said...

Honey thinking about you will be down to see you this weekend. Sorry I have not been there for you lately, love you all. I anticipate the moment I can hold Benny.

Love to all call me
daddy Mark

The Witt Family said...


We are praying for you every day. We are sad that you are back in the hospital, but keep your spirits up kid - you will be back home before you know it.


Kari Stecker said...

Hi Ben. Stay strong little man! We are praying for you! Kari, Brian and Anna

dave. said...

it was great seeing y'all this weekend- although he hasn't received ANY breaks so far, he is still looking like a champ. talk to y'all real soon + keep blogging, please!

Anonymous said...

Sending powerful thoughts and prayers your way everyday. I was sad to hear that you had to visit the hospital again. Angie and I say stay strong and you are a fighter! "We Love you!" We send mommy and daddy a lot of love too.
Love you tons,
Aunt Pennie and Angie
Sending lots of hugs and love your way.