Saturday, March 29, 2008


Happy Saturday. So far I have been able to keep my feedings down. This morning the Doctors even increased them to 2cc per hour. Almost 2 oz per day!!

My parents created a Great Strides CF team for me. If you would like to join Ben's Buddies please follow the directions in the column to the right. My Mom and Dad are doing the Downtown Detroit Riverwalk site and would love for you to join them. Hopefully I will be able to join them too. If you plan on doing the walk select 'JOIN MY TEAM'. As the date approaches we will have a spot for everyone to meet. Also, my Dad is not smart. He screwed up and set my personal goal to $0 and can't figure out how to change it.

Finally, I had a big stinky brown poop at around noon ;)


Cameron Hain said...

Hey Ben,

That's great about your Great Strides page! We do one also and my parents have raised close to $10,000 in 4 years! The more money raised the closer we get to a cure!

I'm so glad you are getting better and eating more! My big sister and I still say prayers for you everynight. My mom let me see your pictures and you are so cute!

Your friend, Cameron

Anonymous said...

Hi Beautiful Benjamin,

So happy to hear you are improving every day - keep the poop coming. Papa Phil and Grandma Carol are going to join you on the Riverwalk. We will have lots of fun and raise money at the same time. See you tomorrow Buddy. Love You, God Bless, sleep tight, hugs and kisses - Papa Phil, Grandma Carol, Greatgrandma Pawloski

Anonymous said...

Hi Ben...
Its sounds like you have had a great couple of days! Hang in there buddy. We get lots of updates from Kate and Jay Witt and our cousin/your buddy Jake. And, of course, we said LOTS of prayers again for you today at church. Hang in there big boy!
Team Schultz!

Anonymous said...

Hi Benjamnin,

You are such an adorable little guy! We love being able to check in on you through your blog and are very excited to hear about your great progress! If only our Spartans had half of your strength...

You have been an official addition to our nightime prayers since you were born, and we hope you get to go home very soon! Your Mom and Dad are probably getting way too much sleep without you there to keep them up :)

We are very excited to hear about your Great Strides fundraising walk and plan on joining you to raise money for a cure!

Keep up all of the good work cutie!

Rian, Skip, and Gracie Olson

Anonymous said...

Hey Ben,

Great job on the pooping! You are such a fighter. I pray for you every night that you come home soon.

We love looking at your blog site.

Kim and Maxine

Anonymous said...


You have officially tied your cousin Josh for cutest baby boy ever! We think of you and your mom and dad often.

We will be on the lookout for any new CF information like the Omegaven. It sounds like you may not need it, great job with the 2cc's.

Keep up the good work,
Love, The Jonas Family

Anonymous said...

Good morning gorgeous!

I bet your mom and dad are so proud of you and your progress. Make sure you tell them I say hi, and keep up the good work!

In case you were wondering, I think your dad said he would prefer your stinky brown poohs to come at night so he can change them. I swear I heard him say that!

Love you & hope to see you soon. Big hugs to mom and dad, too.

xoxo, A. Carin

Anonymous said...

Hi Ben,

Chase and I are excited to raise some money for CF and participate in a Great Strides walk here in MD in your honor. We wish we could join you in Detroit, but since it's a long drive from MD, we're going to get all of our friends here to donate and walk.

Congrats on the big poop, buddy! Keep it up, or maybe I should say keep it coming out! Tell your Mom and Dad we said hello, wish we could visit, and thanks for keeping the blog. We love to hear how you're doing and see all of your adorable pictures!

Megan (I used to work with your Mom before I moved away) and Chase (your future play date, I'm only a few months older than you!)