Not much new to report. Before my parents can get their screening the Geneticist wants me to undergo another test that will screen for up to 97 CF gene mutations. The original blood test only looked for 30. We're hoping this will detect the other CF causing gene along with the F508.
The Doctors stopped extracting the fluid from my stomach to see if can digest or absorb it on my own. If I can make it 24 hrs without vomiting they will resume attempts at feeding, if you can call it that.....1/10 of an ounce of a water & breast milk mixture every 3 hours.
Also, my Mom's 2 weeks are up so she'll be back on the roads. Watch out!!! She drives a black Saturn Vue and doesn't signal.
Love, Ben
HAHA! Your totally right about your mother Benny! She is crazy behind the wheel.
Thinking about you buddy see you in two days!
Uncle Adam
Hey Ben! We said some prayers for you on Sunday! The Easter Bunny brought me a basket, did you get one too? It was hidden on the kitchen counter, I spotted it right away, maybe next year that silly bunny will hide it better. My parents want to come visit you, they told me that I am not allowed to come with them, I guess I'll have to stay at Grandma and Papas. Aunt Diane told me that she got to hold you! She loves holding little babies. She held me on Easter Sunday while Mommy and Daddy played cards. Anyways, I have to go to bed now.
Later, Anna
Hi Ben,
I'm so glad that you got to watch your first basketball game with your Dad. I definitely agree, he can begin to scream at the TV like a crazy person, but I think all men are like that. I'm sure you will understand one day and realize that your Dad wasn't so crazy.
I hope you had a Happy Easter and that you are feeling better and getting to eat more very soon!
Just be glad your mom isn't still driving the red 1990 hatch back stick shift Toyota Celica like its a brand new Maserati..then you would have some serious transportation problems and we would have to buy you a specialized car seat. hehe...hope you are doing better! I know that if you are related to kati you can figure out a way to eat!:) good luck lil man.
Hi Ben!
My Mom has been telling me all about you and how great your Mom and Dad are. I'm hoping we can be friends and hang out some when you're feeling better. I'm 3 months older than you, so maybe I can teach you some things like how to blow spit bubbles. I'm glad to hear you'll be getting to eat some breastmilk soon. You're going to love it! My Mom says to tell your Mom hi, and she wishes she could come visit you and your Mom. I can't wait to meet you!
Chase R.
P.S. Don't feel bad that your Mom and Dad think you look like a little bird. My Mom thinks I look like a turtle!
Haha! I agree Momma Kati is a crazy, but good driver. Watch out! Love you lots! Cousin Emma won't stop talking about baby JACK! I did tell her your name was Ben but she kept telling me NO in a very serious voice. ("NO ITS BABY JACK") She is a wild one, so you will have to watch out... Kisses from Aunt Annie and Cousin Emma!
Welcome baby Ben!
Just so that you know that you have been born into one of the best and coolest families EVER!
Old aunt Jamo has been around the Robke family a long time and knew your mother even before she was born :)!!!
Sending love, a hug and prayers to all.
Love Normie, Jamie and Riley the Cat
Hey baby Ben,
I am so excited to meet you, you are to darn cute. Hopefully I can make it there this weekend. Tell your mom I have her industrial breast pump ready to go. Hopefully it will help feed your belly. I am sure that water and breast milk is real tasty.
Love you guys see you soon-
Angela -GO GREEN!!!!!
Hey, there handsome! I have known your momma since before she was even born! You have been born into the greatest of families ever!:)
We also are sending our prayers along with warm hugs for you and your Mom and Dad.
Old auntie jamo, Normie and Riley the Cat!
Baby Ben,
Your Bamma Beth is missing you. You are my Boo Boo Bear and I can't wait to see you and hold you again. I know you are getting stonger everyday and will be home soon. You have the best Mommie and Daddy in the world.
I Love You All very much!
Hugs and Kisses,
Mom, Bamma and Papa John
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