Thursday, January 13, 2011

Holidays and Soccer

I had a wonderful Christmas! I began to understand the concept of Santa Claus this year and asked him for Tom Set (Thomas the Train Set). Every time I see a train I call it a Tom. I also think Sir Topham Hat lives in this silly looking building by the tracks, down the block from my house. I enjoyed opening my gifts Christmas morning. Every time I ripped open a package I exclaimed, "Wow, Cool!"

Here are the pictures of Santa and Me:

Here is one of Mom's favorite Christmas morning pictures. Santa brought me this cool shirt!

My throat culture results from my December 15th, 2010 appointment came back negative for any bad bacteria. PA has stayed away and I hope it continues to! This nice long time away from the inhaled TOBI has been nice! I am kicking CF's butt and it feels good!

I got to start off my New Year's by going to the Michigan State Basketball game. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I got to see Sparty and was a bit scared of him at first, but got over that fear very quick. I clapped and cheered with the best of them. That night after the game I enjoyed some fondue with Mom, Dad and Aunt Lo before I went to bed. I was being a bit crazy so I didn't get to stay up until midnight.

2010 was a fabulous year! I am ready to make 2011 a wonderful one as well. Cheers to another healthy year!

Here is a little video clip of me, on my first day of soccer camp. I am the one in the light blue shirt who gets a goal at the end of the video. I started on January 4th.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for keeping us up to date with your remarkable life! Wishing you and your parents a healthy and happy 2011.
Love, Aunt Kathy