Saturday, September 13, 2008

More Meds

Well my throat culture came back and I have cultured Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA). I will have to take Cipro and Tobramycin (TOBI) to help eradicate it. The TOBI has to be inhaled through the nebulizer twice a day and the Cipro I take twice a day orally. I have to be on these for 1 month. Mom and Dad were sad to get this news today. Thankfully these two antibiotics can be administered at home. The Cipro can cause loose stools so they will wait another day before increasing my feeds. If I begin to get loose stools this should help them in deciding if it is the antibiotics or the increase in food volume that is causing loose stools. Tomorrow Mom and Dad get to practice putting the NG tube down my nose into my stomach. I am not very excited about this. Once it is in it can stay in for 30 days...that is if I don't pull it out which I like to do.

Drool and Bubbles,


Anonymous said...

OK, would you believe that I've been checking this website almost daily since Ben was born and I just realized I could enter comments!? Anyway Ben, tell your mommy and daddy that we all love watching your progress and can't wait to meet you!

Anonymous said...

Hey Ben "jammin"
You are truly a trooper lil man. We love you and you are in our thoughts and prayers. So are your mom and dad. I have a quick question for ya, can you maybe give some of your fight to the Lions? I have hope!! Keep on keepin on Ben. We love you Great Aunt Claire and Uncle Gordy

Anonymous said...

Well I haven't checked on you in a little while and I see you've had an active few weeks! Try to stay out of the hospital; that will make Mom and Dad really happy. Hope you're home real soon. Sending you lots of hugs and kisses and prayers too. Love Judy, Carl & Sean

Anonymous said...


Just checking up on you little guy. Wanted you to know that I am thinking of you and love you! I hope you can come home in the next day, I know your mom would like that a lot! Be strong and try to keep the tube in your nose because I know that your mom and dad are not going to want to keep putting it back in! Love you kiddo!

Aunt Jess

Anonymous said...

Hi Ben,
Uncle Norman here, you sure are a strong little guy. Hope to come in next weekend and visit with you. Hugs and kisses to you and your Mom and Dad'
Love you,
Uncle Norman

dave. said...

i am trying to imagine chris putting a tube through anyone's nose!

i wonder if i can find a vintage newbie-sized white lion "little fighter" t-shirt anywhere. i'll look online.

thinking of y'all, dave.

Anonymous said...

It was sooooooo nice seeing you and your mommy on Saturday. I wish we could of stayed longer. I loved it when you fell asleep in my arms, you were so relaxed and Aunt Jane was very cozy. Hope you guys come home soon. Lots of love to you, mommy and daddy. XOXOXO

Anonymous said...

You and your Mommy and Daddy are in my constant prayers. Hugs and love!
Jen Sweets

Anonymous said...


Keep on being so strong and eating all you can. We are always thinking of you and Mom and Dad. I love the picture of you in Mommy's arms. Oh, so cute!!

Love Aunt Margo & Uncle RichardXOXOXOXOXOXOXO

Anonymous said...

Hey Ben, it's Aunt Carin,

I'm so sorry to hear about the PA. What luck, huh? Let mom & dad know that if you're being extra crabby it's because Cipro makes it taste like you're sucking on pennies all the time. Hang in there buddy - you'll kick this infection, too.

As for the tube, try to keep it in there. I know you hate it, but think of how much worse it will be to have them keep putting it in. Your mom & dad are so brave and strong and smart. You're in really good hands, that's for sure!

4 weeks and counting (immunosuppressors suck!)!! Can't wait to be able to come see you again. Keep fighting. And make sure when you're at U of M on game days that you wear your Sparty jersey ;-)

Big love, with a side of hugs and kisses, xoxo

Anonymous said...

Hi Ben, it's Jennifer from PCA. Just wanted to say hi and we are all so anxious to meet you here!! Love your new pics. I will keep praying that you get lots to eat and that your first words are "Go Blue". Just kidding~ Don't get your diaper all in a bunch. ;)

Jen Shevchik

Anonymous said...

Hi Handsome!!
We are glad that you are taking some time off from the hospital. We have no doubt that your folks will do a great job and everybody feels better when they are in their own bed, hey bean?

If there is a good side of being young today, you will not remember the start of this Lion season. Stay strong, blessings to all.

The Rapsons

Cameron Hain said...

Hi Ben,

So sorry to read about your troubles! I have been on all the meds you are on so if your mom and dad have any questions they can call my mom and dad. Though I haven't had the NG tube since I was a newborn so they wouldn't be much help there. If they just need to talk tell them not to hesitate to call. I just know you are going to kick this and be back feeling great soon!

I have been a busy sends me to preschool 3 days a week and I love it! I'll check in on you again soon! Take care and get better soon!

Remember soon CF will stand for CURE FOUND!!! and we can become friends outside of the computer!:)

Your friend, Cameron Hain

Anonymous said...

Little ben I think of you often so sorry that you haven't felt better.I wish Dad & Mom the strength to go on each day. I'm wishing Dad & Mom healing days. hopful days, & brighter days ahead.God bless you all! Love Diane Kresevich

Anonymous said...

So happy you're home Ben! I want to come and visit you soon. I think about you everyday.

All my love,