Tuesday, June 17, 2008


The doctors are still trying to work on the right potion to try and get me to gain weight. I am getting 3 oz. of breast milk about every 3 hours. They have increased my enzymes to 1 1/2 capsules before each feed. I am getting 1/2 teaspoon of elecare formula added to my breast milk to add more calories. If I start to gain weight this way I will get to go home soon. I weigh 3.070 KG (6 lbs 12 oz) and I have been the same weight for the past three days. I also get the fat soluble vitamins ADEK and Iron added to my milk. I am on zantac for acid reflux. My labs came back and everything looks good. My direct bili has lowered from 5.8 to 5.4 so the phenobarbital I am taking is helping keep it down a bit. I am doing well with my breathing treatments and my chest percussion's.

Smiles, Ben


Anonymous said...

Hey Ben "jammin"
Good to hear things are progressing. You and your mom and dad are in our thoughts and prayers lil fightin man. Keep up the good work and you will be home in no time. We love you very much!!
Keep on keepin on; Love Uncle Gordy and Great Aunt Claire

The Witt Family said...

Wow - we are going to start calling your mom "Dr. Kati". She really knows her stuff about your blood work and meds! Way to go mom! Glad to hear that all of your labs are lookin' good. We are all anxiously watching this blog waiting for the good word about going home. Not too soon, but not soon enough!!

Keep the smiles coming. We will see you soon :)

lots of love -

Anonymous said...

Hi Beautiful Benjamin,
Grandma misses you tons. I'm in San Jose, CA. Grandpa and I will visit you on Friday. Love you, mommy and daddy bunches and bunches. God Bless you all, Grandma Carol & Papa Phil XOXO

Anonymous said...

So happy things sound better. I made a big mistake. We are a great great aunt and uncle. That is pretty neat! We read your blog and wait for the day you will be able to go home. Love to you and Mom and Dad. GG uncle Gary and Anna Mary.

Anonymous said...

Hey Ben,
Just checking in to see what's up. I'm home exercising trying to lose some weight, and all I pray for is for you to gain some 8o) Sure wish I could donate some to you. So happy you are eating though. Lots of good wishes, prayers and happy thoughts are with you and your folks.
Mary-Mary and da boyz XOXOXOXOXOXO

Anonymous said...

hello Benjamin!

So glad to hear that things are going better. I am so glad that your parents are getting more answers. You are such a special boy....and such a cutie! I wish you all the best.

Your nurse,

Stephanie : )

Anonymous said...

Hey Handsome!!

Great to hear that you are well on your way to breaking out of UM and will be holding court at your own house and get to sleepy pie in your own bed. A thousand yippies for the great work and a million more warm fuzzies(achoo! oops not that kind of fuzzy!?!)till you come home. We are all cheering for ya buddy (good work on those Tigers, you'll be needing to be booking a flight to Vegas.) See, you are going to be too busy to be at UofM with much to do and lots to see. Hugs to your Mom and Dad :)

Love The Rapsons

Anonymous said...

hey ben!
things sound like they're going well...now its time to pack on the pounds! i have a few hints on how to do that...but you need teeth for all of my methods and you're still too little for that. keep getting better and staying strong! we need to get you out of u of m as soon as possible! i miss you and your mom and your dad very much and you are all in my prayers!
lots of love and hugs - meghan

Anonymous said...

Hi Ben!
It sounds like things are moving forward. Keep on pushing ahead and you will be home soon. Give your mommy and daddy hugs and kisses for us! We are proud of you!
Buffy, Scott, Peyton and Jake

Cameron Hain said...

Hi Ben,

I love the picture of your mask...I have the same one! You look adorable in it! My mom just did my vest...you'll get one when you get big like me...then you won't have to do chest PT!! I can put my mask on and do my vest and demand things from my parents! It's great...soon you will too! I hope you are doing well and my sister and I still keep you in our prayers everynight! Tell you parents that my parents said hello and they can call if they need anything! Us CF'ers have to stick together!

Your friend, Cameron

Anonymous said...

Hi Ben,
Uncle Norman here. Glad your eating more. Sorry I haven't written lately, I can't get to your blog at work. I think about you and your mom and dad every day. Stay strong little guy.
Love you,
Uncle Norman

Michele said...
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Michele said...

Hi Kati,

I just want to send my love and blessings out to your precious little baby Benjamin. I have been praying for him and hoping that God will keep him progressing in the right direction. In fact everyone here at TACOM is praying and wishes you nothing but love. All the procurement analysts here in Heavy Tactical are watching Ben's progress and sending blessings. If you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask.
Michele Baltrusaitis, Vicki Sarkisian, Aileen Germaine, and Betty Case.