Friday, May 30, 2008


I got to start feeds yesterday. I get 5 cc's every 3 hours of full strength breast milk. I will finish my antibiotics on Monday. I am still on the full amount of TPN and the breast milk is added calories. I am supposed to move to the Pediatric ICU today. Mom and Dad were very upset the other night because the baby next to me tested positive for MRSA and that made them very uneasy. Mom talked to the doctors and told them about her concerns and the baby was eventually moved last night. I need to try and stay as healthy as possible while I am trying to grow.



Anonymous said...

Hi Ben,
It was so nice seeing you and your mommy on Wednesday. She was right about Motel 6 gosh hardly any room to have visitors. Keep eating so you get big and strong!!!!!!! We love you and think about you everyday. Aunt Jane & Uncle Scott.

Anonymous said...

Hi Beautiful Benjamin,
We are glad to hear you started feeds and that you will be moved to the Pediatric ICU. You are very lucky to have a mommy who is with you all day and watches out for you. We love you all so very much - God Bless you, Grandma Carol & Papa Phil XOXOXOXO

Anonymous said...

Hi Ben -
It's nice to hear that you are eating some real food again! Hang in there, you are doing great! Kati and Chris you are a true inspiration to all with your strength. Ben give Mommy and Daddy big hugs and kisses!
Love - Buffy, Scott, Jake and Peyton

Anonymous said...

Uncle Norman here, I happy that your finally eating, I know that makes you happy. I think about you every day and I hope to see you soon
Love you and hi to Mom and Dad.
Uncle Norman

Anonymous said...

Hey Hndsome!

As always we are glad to hear about your progress. Tell your Mom and Dad to keep them hopping there at the ICU. We think about you and your Mom and Dad every day and are lighting candles until the day you get to come home for good. It's probably better that the Piston's lost their final game tonight (they all had tee times on Sunday, for real)Wings went down. Next year you can watch, we need a good luck charm, buddy. Keep on eating!

Sending hugs and love,
Jamie & Norm Rapson

Anonymous said...

You don't know me, Benjamin, but I think about you every day and I pray that you'll soon be strong enough to go home. Keep fighting hard, sweetheart, and before you know it -- you'll be lying in your comfy little bed surrounded by all of your loving family and friends -- just where you belong. Phyllis Purcell xoxo

Unknown said...

Hi Ben,
I can't wait to meet u. U have the most beautiful big eyes. U need to get big and strong so u can play with James Parker. he needs another lil' boy in his life. Love u. Cousin Michelle.